75 Days Sober

Quick Update~

75 Days Sober today~

Last night, we ate a yummy dinner @ my favorite bar/restaurant & I didn’t miss the drink!

Woke up early & read some of Gone Girl!

Went to Yoga class @ 9am.

Came home, sat on porch & ate my breakfast enjoying the gorgeous morning!

Did a few chores!

Pulled some weeds!

Showered and now heading to lunch with my son, hopefully with some patio dinning and hit up the book store!

Tonight we are grilling dinner.

Do I miss drinking? Ummm NO~ I’m loving my sober life, rediscovering myself, and reconnecting with family & friends!

I couldn’t be happier~ well if I won the lotto so I can spend more time doing more of the above, maybe a little happier but this is still great!!

Hugs my friends! Thank you again for your support!

Momma Bee

20 thoughts on “75 Days Sober

  1. Congratulations on 75 days!! Sounds like the perfect way to celebrate, too. Loved Gone Girl. (And now I see another book of hers to check out thanks to SoberLearning’s comment. yay for blogs!) I’m so happy to hear the happy tone of your post.


    • Thanks K~ the happy tone is truly genuine. Life still has it ups and down but I seem to see more things about life, me, my kids that I wasn’t able to see before thru the alcohol haze! I don’t want to miss anymore of life!


    • SS100, it took me a while to get here! Once I accepted it and got time under my belt~ I honestly felt like a rock was lifted off of me. Hang in there~ it isn’t always easy but so worth it! Hugs! xoxo


  2. Congrats my dear!! You are rocking your lucid life 😉 Also loved Gone Girl. I think I read it in like 3 days, it was such a page turner. I really liked how you put all your activity for the day in your post. It just shows how absolutely satisfying a day can be without alcohol. Hugs to you!


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